Outrigger pad selection must be rigorous to keep access and lifting teams safe

Nolim pads

Outrigger pads are vital accessories for using access platforms to work at height or when stabilising cranes for lifting duties, yet their selection can be guided by misunderstandings about how they perform.

There are a wide range of perceptions about different types of pads and how they should be used, which risks complicating decision-making, said Access Platform Sales Operations Director Kevin Shadbolt.

He added: “It’s important to use outrigger mats and pads that have the appropriate characteristics for the job in hand. That includes their dimensions, in terms of area covered and thickness, their structural integrity and the quality of their manufacture.

“Selecting the right outrigger pads for a working at height or crane lifting project is the job of an experienced and skilled appropriate person or access professional. Irrational preferences should be put to one side.”

HMPE – maintaining strength

APS is the UK and Ireland distributor for NOLIM outrigger pads, mats and associated products. These are precision manufactured in the Netherlands from high quality recycled HMPE (high-molecular-weight polyethylene).

Rogiér de Laat, Director at NOLIM, said: “Some industry commentators point to mat deformation as a sign of weakness. However, this misrepresents the process. Firstly, HMPE mats may deform slightly under load, but NOLIM’s products will return to their original state, integrity and strength once the load has been released.

“This cannot be said, however, for some other materials, for example wood and aluminium. Once wood has deformed, it loses some of its structural integrity. The next time such a wooden mat is used, it will be weaker, and so at greater risk of failing.

“The same risk applies to metal pads, for example aluminium ones. We are aware of crane operators who use metal pads that might deform. So they flip the mats and place them under load again, to correct the deformation. What they may not realise is that after this process, the mats may have lost some of their strength.”

Nolim pads 

No one size fits all 

NOLIM has, for years, been a leader in testing large crane and access platform outrigger pads to ensure they will behave under load precisely as stated in specifications. This means the material used is laboratory tested by TÜV for quality, deformation and pressure.

As with all safety systems, the critical issue is to use products that are appropriate for the task undertaken, the equipment being used and the methodology that has been selected.

When it comes to outrigger mats, it means that there can be no one size fits all approach. The specific characteristics of different types of outrigger pads and mats should be understood and taken into account by lifting and access teams.

This is should be a dynamic process, which includes point of work risk assessments to account for changing ground conditions.

APS NOLIM Close-up photo

Substandard pads – concern

Kevin Shadbolt said: “The longevity of NOLIM’s HMPE mats make them highly cost-effective. They’re not going to be stolen by thieves to sell for scrap and they can incorporate the customer’s name which reduces the risk of them being pinched, while enhancing the reputation of the user.

“As with outrigger mats made with other materials, not all HMPE mats are the same. We have had concerns about some HMPE mats imported into Europe that do not have the same strength and durability of NOLIM mats.

“This can put machine operators at risk, and harm the reputation of both contractors and responsible outrigger pads manufacturers and suppliers. It is something we have to be constantly wary of.”

Growing demand for NOLIM pads reflect qualities appreciated by technical teams, including extreme durability down to minus 30 degrees, which extends their lifetime in extreme conditions. They are also non-absorbent and oil-resistant, unlike some other products. 

Rogiér de Laat said: “For instance, we supply 1000mm x 1000mm mats to German OEM parties for self erecting cranes, and have noticed an increase in demand for larger mats in 2024, which indicates that HMPE mats remain, rightly, trusted and valued.”

Find out more

Source high quality NOLIM HMPE outrigger pads, mats and associated products – and get expert advice about selecting the right access platform and crane lifting pads and mats. 

Contact APS today. Telephone: 01480 891251. Email: parts@accessplatforms.co.uk or buy online here